Commando Steve leads courageous Garmin Pink Commandos at the International Women’s Day Fun Run


Brisbane’s South Bank streets were a sea of pink today at the 25th RACQ International Women’s Day Fun Run. Amongst the crowd was celebrity fitness coach and Garmin ambassador, Commando Steve, who swapped his trademark khakis for a pair of bespoke pink camouflage pants to show his support for breast cancer research.

Known for his tough training techniques and no excuse attitude, Commando Steve slowed down his usual pace today, to walk with a group of 25 women, ‘Garmin’s Pink Commandos’, who are battling or recovering from breast cancer.

Commando Steve said, “I was truly moved by the women I met today; hearing their stories and what they’ve overcome. The courage and strength they showed is a testament to how strong the human spirit can be when faced with adversity. We can all learn something from these incredibly brave and inspirational women, who just keep fighting no matter what life throws their way.”

One member of Garmin’s Pink Commandos, Val Davidson, has embraced life since her diagnosis. “I don’t count having breast cancer as a blessing, but it has changed my life. I’ve done a lot of things I wouldn’t have been game to do before I was diagnosed – and walking with Commando Steve at this year’s fun run is the icing on the cake.”

Robin Koski, breast cancer survivor, joined the team for various reasons. “I lost my younger sister to breast cancer eight years ago, who at the age of 43, left her three little girls behind. I was diagnosed myself two years ago and am thankful we caught it early enough.”

Commando Steve met the Garmin’s Pink Commandos before the walk to personally connect with them and to hear their amazing stories of courage. He then provided some much appreciated fitness motivation and a few warm up and race tips.

Before the countdown to start the race, with excitement hitting fever pitch, Commando Steve had the attention of 10,000+ women listening to him give one of his most personal motivational speeches to date.

“Having met and heard many of the stories about breast cancer survival from the women in the Garmin’s Pink Commandos team, I was touched at their strength and courage. Seeing this crowd, full of positive, spirited women, all dressed in pink, it was a sight I will never forget and I am honestly so humbled to be a part of their day.”

The 25th RACQ International Women’s Day Fun Run in Brisbane raises funds to provide much needed support services for women with breast cancer like mastectomy bras and memory boxes. To donate to Mater Chicks in Pink go to   #materchicksinpink  #runlikeagirl