Commando Steve gathers his troops and goes pink for research

Celebrity Fitness Coach and Garmin ambassador, Commando Steve, has swapped his trademark khakis for a pair of hot pink camouflage pants in the name of cancer research. Known for tough training techniques and no excuse attitude, Commando Steve will reveal his softer side as he takes part in the Mater Hospital’s International Women’s Day Fun Run on Sunday, 6 March in Brisbane.

In celebration of the fun run’s 25th anniversary, Commando Steve will lead a team of 25 women, ‘Garmin’s Pink Commandos’ on the 5km run. Garmin’s Pink Commandos will be made up of 25 women, all sporting matching pink camouflage kit, who may be battling or recovering from cancer. The group of 25 women will be chosen based on nominations from friends or family and will each receive a Garmin vivofit 2 activity tracker to help them train for the race.

“My training motto is ‘there are no excuses’ because I believe we all have the strength to achieve our goals. But having heard some of these women’s stories, of the strength they’ve found while battling cancer and the obstacles they’ve overcome, I’m truly humbled

“I’m honoured to be walking amongst Garmin’s Pink Commandos and look forward to spending time with these 25 women to raise money and awareness for such an important cause as breast cancer research.”

Commando Steve will lead a warm-up session with Garmin’s Pink Commandos in the morning before the race and will provide motivation tips throughout the 5km run. Any breast cancer survivor wanting to share their story for the chance to walk as one of Garmin’s Pink Commandos in Brisbane on Sunday 6 MArch, can do so by visiting

The RACQ International Women’s Day fun run in Brisbane is open to anyone and will raise much needed funds for those affected by breast cancer to provide a better understanding and treatment of breast cancer through medical research. For more information, to enter or donate go to