MEDIA RELEASE: Lord Sebastian Coe, Donald Trump and Anthony Robbins
share their stories of success in the UK’s first ever National Achievers Congress
A powerhouse line-up headed by Lord Sebastian Coe, Donald Trump and Anthony Robbins will talk on overcoming the volatility of today’s economy and job market at the UK’s first ever National Achievers Congress.
Held at London’s ExCel Centre between 5th – 7th October 2012, the National Achievers Congress will bring together the world’s top entrepreneurs to talk about success, the mechanics of achieving it and, more importantly, the mindset or psychology essential to meeting those goals.
As all eyes are on the world’s most disciplined, driven and successful athletes in Britain right now, Lord Coe says: “All pressure is self-inflicted. It’s what you make of it or how you let it rub off on you.”
A double Olympic Champion and 12-time world record holder, Sebastian Coe became one of the greatest athletes of his generation. Now Chairman of LOCOG, Coe engineered the massive strategic coup for London to host the world’s biggest sporting event in 2012: the Olympics.
Donald Trump is the billionaire mogul who is the very definition of a global success story – he is the archetypal businessman, a deal maker without peer and an ardent philanthropist. Trump attributes his success to focusing on the opportunities available right now.
“I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That’s where the fun is,” Trump says.
Success coach Anthony Robbins – advisor to the world’s leading sports, business and political heavyweights – describes the current economic challenges as an “economic winter”.
“When we make it through this economic winter, we’ll be onto another set of economic opportunities,” says Robbins.
Participants will hear the speakers’ concepts, philosophies, theories and principles: the same ones which have made them some of the wealthiest and most successful business people in the world today.
The UK National Achievers Congress follows hugely successful events in the US and Australia, speakers at which have included Lord Alan Sugar and Robert Kiyosaki.